Ten years ago today, I moved to New York City. My first apartment was on a slightly desolate block of the Upper West Side. Today, there's
a Whole Foods a block away, and four high rises have gone up within a two-block radius. Times, you could say, have changed.
I've spent my entire adult life here in Manhattan, and I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. My first few weeks were, obviously, colored by the September 11th attacks. I didn't even have my cable hooked up yet and wasn't due to start work for another week, so I spent the day curled up in my hallway listening to the radio. When I left to walk 20 blocks downtown to
Caroline's apartment for company, cable and dinner, I passed Brooke Shields on the street.
That's New York, you know? The gritty reality crossed with the glamour of art and, in this case, celebrity - writ large.
My first forays into grown-up cooking were, to say the least, less than exciting. There were many grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (a trick I learned from my slightly older and much wiser roommate), a lot of bottled marinara sauce, and tons of macaroni and cheese. But always a green salad. I've always been addicted to vegetables.
I spent my money at the bars and skimped on my food budget. A fancy night out was dinner at Big Nick's, an all-night pizza and burger joint on Broadway. I came home most nights by way of the local pizza place, slice in hand. I'd leave it in the oven to keep warm, hop in the shower to get rid of the bar smell (those were the days before the smoking ban, when I'd have to hang my coat on the fire escape overnight to air out the cigarette fumes), then eat the cheesy, greasy goodness while watching a movie on my hand-me-down sofa.
Today, I drink booze with flavor (
bourbon or
gin, not vodka), the dinners are nicer and the nights (mostly) earlier. The produce is fancier and
more local, and the apartment a bit more pulled together. But the joy I feel every time I see the New York skyline, the rush I get every morning when I walk out the door, the satisfaction I take in having made it in this most insane and exciting and glorious of cities - that hasn't changed one little bit.
Thank you, New York, for raising me so well. I love you. Which is a good thing, because we seem to be stuck with one another.
lovely and moving, meg. happy anniversary
Happy anniversary! I have so loved living vicariously through your NYC adventures - you take full advantage of the city.
10 years is quite a milestone!
Happy anniversary, may you and NYC have many more! :)
Lovely post...makes me miss the city!
Isn't it funny how much time passes so quickly! Changing so fast, yet staying so New York! It's these memories of New York that make others miss this magical place!
I LOVE THIS. So well said. It seems like I have a moment a day when something strikes me, and i'm sort of overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude to live here.
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